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Compensation Disclosure Supplement to Your ERISA 408(b)(2) Notice

本在线披露通知补充说明了申博菲律宾app, Nicolaus收到的报酬 & 公司, 合并(申博菲律宾app), 申博菲律宾app独立顾问, LLC (申博菲律宾app独立顾问), 或Keefe, Bruyette & 森林公司. (KBW) (申博菲律宾app, 申博菲律宾app独立顾问, 或KBW(以下单独或统称为“事务所”)就事务所为您的ERISA合格退休计划(“计划”)提供的服务. If you intend to open a managed investment advisory account, 请参阅管理账户协议以及适用的申博菲律宾app或申博菲律宾app独立顾问表格ADV Part 2A,以了解与该类型账户相关的披露.

Description of the Firms and How to Contact Us

您的计划维持或可能维持一个或多个申博菲律宾app的证券经纪账户, 申博菲律宾app独立顾问, 或KBW. 申博菲律宾app申博菲律宾app独立顾问和KBW是在美国注册的证券经纪交易商.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, each a subsidiary of 申慱sunbet手机版 Corp. with headquarters located at 501 North Broadway, St. 路易斯,密苏里州63102. 如果您对与您的计划相关的服务和/或补偿有疑问,在阅读本补充文件后, please send an inquiry to our ERISA 408(b)(2) Disclosure questions mailbox at 408年b2inquiries@geaideshuzhi.com 或联络您的财务顾问.

Description of Services Provided by the Firms to the Plan

根据我们与你方的协议, 在你的指引下, 申博菲律宾app, 申博菲律宾app独立顾问, 或KBW已经或将代表该计划开立账户和/或为每个计划参与者开立单独的经纪账户. 请查阅先前提供的ERISA第408(b)(2)条通知,以了解服务的描述.

Description of Compensation Paid to the Firms


A. Direct Compensation Paid to the Firms From the Plan

申博菲律宾app brokerage accounts are subject to applicable 费用 on the 节目表.

If your Plan utilizes a 申博菲律宾app-sponsored plan document prototype, 你的账户要收取年费. 参见斯蒂尔收费表.

以下是可在您的经纪账户中交易的证券清单,本公司可因此获得直接补偿. 点击您的计划账户拥有的证券,查看公司可能收到的直接补偿的形式和金额的说明.

Equity securities represent an ownership interest in the issuing entity. 权益证券包括普通股, 美国存托凭证(adr), closed-end mutual funds made up of pooled or collective investments. 这些公司在佣金的基础上购买或出售股权证券,并获得补偿, 根据购买或出售的股份或单位的数量及其各自的价格. The minimum commission is either 10% of principal or $40, whichever is less. The maximum commission is intended to not exceed 10% of the principal amount, 这些交易的平均佣金通常按比例低于5%的监管规定. 支付给公司佣金的详细信息包含在您收到的具体交易确认书中.

交易所交易基金(“etf”)通常是注册的开放式投资公司或单位投资信托基金(在本网站其他地方有描述), the shares of which represent an interest in a portfolio of securities. etf通常全天在交易所按照市场确定的价格进行交易. The Firms are compensated for ETFs 购买d or sold on a commission basis, 根据购买或出售的股份或单位的数量及其各自的价格. 支付给公司佣金的详细信息包含在您收到的具体交易确认书中.

Exchange traded notes (“ETNs”) are senior, 无担保, 非次级债务证券,通常由银行发行,通常与市场指数的表现挂钩, 减少投资者费用. The firms are compensated for ETNs 购买d or sold on a commission basis. 支付给公司佣金的详细信息包含在您收到的具体交易确认书中.

固定收益证券是一种以固定定期付款的形式提供回报的投资,并最终在到期时或当证券被发行人“赎回”时获得本金回报. 所有固定收益产品在最初发售时都有发行人的官方声明或其他披露材料, which are available from your Financial Advisor. Fixed income securities include certificates of deposit, 公司债券, 市政债券, 可转换证券, 联邦申慱sunbet手机版债券, 抵押贷款支持证券, 优先股, 和你.S. 美国国债. 公司在购买或出售固定收益证券的本金基础上,通过“上调”(在计划购买时)或“下调”(在计划出售时)账户所有者支付或收到的证券价格,获得补偿. The amount of the “mark up” or “mark down” can range between 0.01%和2.25%,平均约为1.0% on all fixed income securities trades done at the Firms. Fixed income securities sold on an initial offering are typically sold at “par” (i.e., 票面价值), 公司按照发行人的官方声明或披露材料中所述的方式获得补偿. Fixed income securities may be sold on an agency basis, under which the Firms are compensated on a commission basis. 支付给公司佣金的详细信息包含在您收到的具体交易确认书中.

期权是一种证券合约,它赋予合约持有人购买或出售与合约相关的资产的权利.g., stock, indexes, commodities) at a given price within a given period. The Firms are compensated for options 购买d or sold on a commission basis, depending upon the number of contracts and the principal amount of the trade. Commissions paid on a single contract (100 share) $1.00期权交易从16美元开始.00美元,最高42美元.单份合同75美元,14美元.25 .期权交易. Discounts apply on orders for larger numbers of contracts. 支付给公司佣金的详细信息包含在您收到的具体交易确认书中.

B. Indirect Compensation Payable to the Firms From Sources Other Than the Plan

以下是可在您的经纪账户中交易的证券清单,本公司因此获得间接补偿. 点击您的计划账户拥有的证券,查看公司可能收到的间接补偿的形式和金额的描述.

Alternative investments include private equity funds, 合作伙伴的利益, 对冲基金, “基金的基金,” and other forms of investment vehicles that may not be registered with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (collectively, “Funds”). 事务所就基金获得的报酬取决于申博菲律宾app是否为基金的经理和/或普通合伙人(“申博菲律宾app赞助”)。. 关于stifl赞助的基金, 申博菲律宾app receives the management 费用 and, 在适用范围内, any performance-based 费用 or administration 费用 that your Plan pays to the Fund, 如阁下在投资本基金前收到的本基金发售文件中所具体列明. 管理费一般从0.50% to 4.00%. Performance 费用 generally range from 0%-25%. 非stifl赞助基金, 斯蒂尔可能会收到, 基金配售费, 基金发售文件中规定的前期销售负荷及/或后端销售负荷. 安置费、前期销售负荷和/或后端销售负荷通常在0%到3%之间.00%. 申博菲律宾app也可能收到, from the Fund manager or general partner, 转介费或律师费, 或可获得您的计划支付给本基金的管理费或类似费用的一部分, which the Fund in turn pays to its manager or general partner. Referral or solicitor 费用 generally range from 0% to 3.00%. 申博菲律宾app从基金经理或普通合伙人那里获得的报酬一般在提供给您的披露声明中列出,并在投资本基金之前得到您的认可.

集体投资信托是申慱sunbet手机版投资者普遍可以使用的投资基金,它将投资者的资产集中起来,通过信托进行更大规模的投资. The Firms are compensated on a fee basis that can range between 0% and 1.0%. 与集体投资信托相关的薪酬和费用的详细信息在具体信托提供的发行披露文件中列明.
Payment for order flow is defined as any monetary payment, 服务, 财产, or benefit that results from remuneration, 补偿, 或者另一个经纪自营商对一个经纪自营商的考虑,作为将客户订单发送到该经纪自营商的回报. While 申博菲律宾app does not receive payment for order flow from other broker-dealers, 对于将订单发送到执行订单的电子通信网络,我们确实收到了一定的回扣. The rebate varies based on the order type.

固定年金是保险公司在一定时期内以固定利率支付的合同. 年金持有人购买年金的方式,可以是一次性投资,也可以是一段时间内的保费. When the annuitant/owner reaches a certain age, he or she may elect to begin receiving income payments.

销售佣金 从保险公司的资产中支付给保险公司的费用,从合同中支付的保费的1%到6%不等. Depending on the issuing insurance company and product sold, 1%至6%的续订佣金也可在初始保证期限和/或或有条件的递延销售费用期结束时支付.

Contingent Deferred 销售费用 (CDSC) or “surrender 费用” are charged if investors withdraw funds prior to a stated date, typically within 1 to 10 years of 购买 date. 该费用从提现金额中扣除,第一年从5%到9%不等,在CDSC期间逐渐减少. 然而, 在CDSC期间, 大多数年金都允许提取一定比例的存款,而不收取存款公积金费. Any CDSC charged is not paid to the Firms.

了解更多信息 关于您拥有的固定年金合同的销售费用,请参阅您的年金合同.

存入固定指数年金的利息与股票市场指数的表现挂钩. 然而, 您从指数中获得的任何收益将被限制在保险公司设定的收益百分比之内. This limits your upside earning potential, 而保险公司通过最低保证合同价值来帮助你在负市场中保护本金.

销售佣金 从保险公司的资产中支付给保险公司的费用,从合同中支付的保费的1%到6%不等.

Contingent Deferred 销售费用 (CDSC) or “surrender 费用” are charged if investors withdraw funds prior to a stated date, typically within 1 to 10 years from 购买 date. 该费用从提现金额中扣除,第一年从5%到9%不等,在CDSC期间逐渐减少. 然而, 在CDSC期间, 大多数年金都允许提取一定比例而不收费. Any CDSC charged is not paid to the Firms.

Life insurance contracts are issued by insurance companies, 溢价的交换条件是什么, 投保人死亡后,保险公司向其遗属支付一定的保险金.

销售佣金 从保险公司的资产中支付给保险公司,并在第一年支付给合同的目标保费的12%至75%之间. 续期佣金由 .35% to 5% are paid in years 2 through 10 if ongoing premiums are paid.

Asset-Based Commissions (often referred to as “Trail Commission”) 从保险公司的资产中持续支付给保险公司的费用,从0.0% to .合同现金价值的35%,一般适用于可变寿险产品.

投降的指控 are applied if an investor withdraws cash value prior to a stated date, typically within 10 to 15 years from 购买 date. 该费用从提取的金额中扣除,第一年从10%到100%不等, gradually decreases over the surrender charge period. Any surrender charge applied is not paid to the Firms.

了解更多信息, please refer to the contract issued by the life insurance company.

通过申博菲律宾app退休账户保险银行存款计划(“计划”), 在申博菲律宾app退休帐户的证券帐户(“证券帐户”)中的可用现金, Nicolaus & 公司, 合并(“申博菲律宾app,” “we,(或“我们”)将存入优先清单中规定的一家或多家联邦存款保险公司(“FDIC”)承保的银行的有息存款账户(“存款账户”)(各为“银行”)。. The Program seeks to make available up to $1,000,000 of FDIC insurance coverage subject to any limitations. 优先名单上的每一家银行都将隶属于申博菲律宾app,并可能包括申博菲律宾app银行 & Trust, 申博菲律宾app Bank, 申博菲律宾app Trust 公司, N.A., 申博菲律宾app Trust 公司, Delaware, N.A.或不时加入该计划的其他申博菲律宾app附属银行. 申博菲律宾app接收聚合, 就参与本计划的证券账户,向银行按每个证券账户收取最高100美元的年费, 包括退休帐户. 请审阅XXXV. Disclosure Documents for Automatic Cash Investment; B. 申博菲律宾app Insured Bank Deposit Program for Retirement Accounts Disclosure Statement; Fees and Conflicts of Interest in the 申博菲律宾app Account Agreement and Disclosure Booklet 了解更多信息.

开放式共同基金是一种投资公司,它从具有相似目标的股东那里汇集资金,投资于多样化的证券组合,以实现既定的投资目标. 共同基金通常提供不同的股份类别或定价结构,为股东提供灵活性,以选择最符合其投资期限和服务及支持需求的结构. Although the different share classes represent interests in the same portfolio, 每个股票类别或定价结构将有不同的费用和费用,影响投资业绩.

销售费用 由投资者支付,通常以基金发行价的百分比表示. 一些共同基金的特点是有“前端”销售费用或“负载”,其中销售费用在原始投资时扣除, then the remaining portion is invested in the fund. All or a portion of the sales charge will generally be paid to the Firms. Other funds have a “deferred” or “back-end” sales charge, otherwise known as a “Contingent Deferred Sales Charge” or CDSC. 在这种情况下, 未按规定期限持有的,在赎回时收取销售费. Any CDSC charged is not paid to the Firms.

了解更多信息, 请参阅之前提供给阁下或阁下的互惠基金章程的“费用及开支”或类似部分 点击这里 ,可直接浏览各公司的基金公司名单及各公司的网址. 请备存阁下最近的帐目结单副本,以便阁下根据所持有的特定股份类别及基金厘定正确的招股章程.

Service Fees (commonly known as “12b-1 Fees”) may be paid by funds to compensate the Firms for providing distribution-related, 行政, 信息服务, 是适用的, associated with the funds owned by the Plan. 服务费包括在各基金收取和报告的“年度营运费用”或“费用比率”内, such amounts are automatically deducted directly from the funds.

请注意,对于某些基金, the 12b-1 fee expense reported in the prospectus may be lower (by a difference of .01% or .02%) than the amount actually paid by the fund to the Firms. 在这种情况下, 差异是由于基金有一些账户没有指定财务顾问,基金向其支付12b-1费用. 因此, since the fund does not incur the expense on those accounts, the overall 12b-1 fee reported in the fund prospectus is slightly reduced.

了解更多信息 about 12 b - 1的费用 attributable to your Plan, please refer to the mutual fund prospectuses previously provided to you or 点击这里 to go directly to a list of fund web sites. 请备存阁下最近的帐目结单副本,以便阁下根据所持有的特定股份类别及基金厘定正确的招股章程.

收入共享. 斯蒂尔可能会收到 补偿 from the funds for providing ongoing marketing, 培训, 向公司的财务顾问提供有关共同基金发起人及其产品的教育. These revenue sharing payments are in addition to the 销售费用, 12 b - 1的费用, deferred 销售费用 in the funds’ prospectus fee table. 收益分成一般由基金经理的资产支付,不会直接减少本计划的投资金额或本计划的投资收益. Not all fund companies pay revenue sharing, revenue sharing that is paid to the Firms varies by fund company.

. 从支付这些费用的人那里得到的补偿是最高为0的总和.10% annually of new investments and a maximum of 0.管理资产的年增长率为08%. The revenue sharing payments are subject to volume discounting, such that as total assets placed by the Firms’ clients at a fund company increase, the basis points paid for those assets will decrease. 另外, 有些基金家族可能会在上述付款之外进行固定付款,或代替上述付款. 公司的财务顾问不需要推荐任何提供额外补偿的基金, 财务顾问也不直接分享公司收到的任何收入分成费.

了解更多信息 关于收入分成补偿, 请参阅之前提供给您的共同基金招股说明书中的“向交易商和金融中介申慱sunbet手机版支付的其他款项”或类似部分 点击这里 直接进入基金家族的名单,这些公司从中获得收入分成.

分会计费用偿还. 基金可以补偿申博菲律宾app提供与经纪账户中持有的资金有关的记录保存和相关服务. 申博菲律宾app processes some mutual fund business with fund families on an “omnibus” basis, 这意味着申博菲律宾app将公司客户的交易整合到基金的每日交易中, 因此为基金维护所有相关的个人股东信息. 这些服务的补偿通常被称为“综合费用”,由某些基金支付给申博菲律宾app. Not all fund companies pay 申博菲律宾app sub-accounting 费用, sub-accounting 费用 that are paid to 申博菲律宾app vary by fund company. 支付给申博菲律宾app的任何分帐款项都是从共同基金的投资者资产中支付的, 但在某些情况下,可能会得到共同基金的附属申慱sunbet手机版或分销商的部分补贴.

. 申博菲律宾app在佣金型经纪账户中持有的每只基金头寸,每年通常收取16至19美元的子会计费用, although certain share classes may pay less or nothing at all. 公司的财务顾问不需要推荐任何提供额外补偿的基金, 财务顾问也不分享公司收到的任何子会计费用.

了解更多信息, 点击这里 直接查看申博菲律宾app从中收取分会计费用的基金家族列表.

网络费用. 在申博菲律宾app不进行综合交易的基金家族在网络基础上进行交易, 这意味着申博菲律宾app为每个客户向基金提交了单独的交易,因此申博菲律宾app保留了股东信息的某些元素. Funds may reimburse 申博菲律宾app for providing these 服务s. Not all fund companies pay 申博菲律宾app networking 费用, networking 费用 that are paid to 申博菲律宾app vary by fund company. Any networking 费用 paid to 申博菲律宾app are deducted from the fund manager’s assets, 但在某些情况下,可能会得到附属申慱sunbet手机版或基金分销商的部分补贴.

. 申博菲律宾app收到的网络费用报销从每年每个基金职位3美元到12美元不等. 公司的财务顾问不需要推荐任何提供额外补偿的基金, nor do 财务顾问 share in any of the networking 费用 received.

了解更多信息, 点击这里 直接进入一个基金家族的名单,申博菲律宾app从中收取网络费用.

单位投资信托基金(“单位”)是最初根据招股说明书出售的投资公司. UITs are structured with specific maturity dates (termination dates). The term of a UIT can range from 13 months to more than 25 years. 因为单位是不可管理的, they typically incur lower annual operating expenses than mutual funds, 但是有销售费用. 费用, 销售费用, 费用 associated with a UIT are outlined in its prospectus and can vary, 取决于卷断点, 展期的折扣, 以及每个UIT特有的其他因素. 公司以特许权的形式从发行人获得购买UIT的补偿,其范围约为 .65% to 4.00% of the principal value with a current average of 2.60%. 由于基于事务大小的断点,单个事务上的金额可能会减少. 另外,折扣1.00% may be given when rolling the proceeds from one UIT to another. 申博菲律宾app also receives additional concessions from Advisor’s 资产管理, 第一次的信任, 古根海姆, Invesco in the form of volume rebates on a monthly or quarterly basis. These rebates currently range from approximately .05% to .13% of principal value with an average of .10%.

有关详情及资料, please refer to the investment prospectus for a specific UIT.

还有可变年金, funds are invested in a professionally managed portfolio of stocks and or bonds, 取决于你的选择.

销售费用或佣金 are paid to the Firms by the insurance company from the insurance company’s assets. 销售佣金按合同所付保险费的一定百分比由双方收取. 这个补偿范围从1%到7%.5% of the premium paid into the contract. 除了预付佣金, ongoing trail commissions (based on the value of the assets) may be received.

Service Fees (commonly known as “12b-1 Fees”) 可由可变年金子帐户内的基金支付,以补偿商号提供与分配有关的, 行政, 信息服务, 是适用的, associated with the subaccounts’ investments. 服务费用包括在每个基金收取和报告的“年度运营费用”或“费用比率”中. 服务费用包括 .25% to 1.50% of the current value of the contract.

Contingent Deferred 销售费用 (CDSC) are charged if investors withdraw funds prior to a stated date, typically 4 to 7 years (surrender period) from 购买 date. This fee is deducted from the withdrawn amount. The CDSC will decline over a period of a few years to 0%. The CDSC typically ranges from 5% to 9% of the amount withdrawn. 然而, 在投降期间, most annuities allow withdrawals of a certain percentage without incurring a fee. Any CDSC charged is not paid to the Firms.

C. 关联方之间支付的赔偿金

申博菲律宾app, 作为一个自我清算的经纪自营商, 提供证券交易, 处理, 执行, other 服务s to 申博菲律宾app独立顾问 and KBW, 作为介绍性经纪自营商.

申博菲律宾app根据申博菲律宾app提供的证券交易和处理服务,从申博菲律宾app独立顾问和KBW获得交易报酬, 申博菲律宾app独立顾问, 或KBW如下:

  • $12.00 per order for Listed Equities, OTC Equities, 选项
  • $25.00 per order for Corporate, Municipal, Treasury Bonds; Government Agencies; 和你ITs
  • $15.00 per order for Mutual Fund 购买s and sales
  • $5.每笔互惠基金交易00美元
  • $25.00 per notification of Option exercise or assignment
  • $5.每取消00美元 & 再付给


  • $.01/share for Listed Equities (non-third market)
  • $1.25/上市期权合约
  • $1.00/债券为上市债券

D. Compensation for Termination of Services

If your Plan utilizes the 申博菲律宾app-sponsored plan document prototype, each Plan account may be charged a termination fee. 点击这里 了解更多信息. This charge is not paid to your Financial Advisor.



此处提供的信息是一份补充,旨在满足1974年《申慱sunbet手机版》第408(b)(2)条规定的披露要求, 经修订的(ERISA). Your Plan may incur other 服务 charges that are not payable to the Firms. 这些费用可能包括任何费用, 费用, other costs payable to the Plan’s 行政 服务 providers, the cost for auditing the Plan’s financial statements, 及其他相关费用. 有关这些其他服务收费的信息必须从适用的服务提供商处获得. The information included herein provides important information for plan fiduciaries; however, 是不是有意要创造, 取代, 或修改任何现有或未来可能存在的与公司的协议.